Hutton Buscel Education Trust

The Foundation of the Hutton Buscel Educational Trust

At the start of the new millennium, the villagers came together in a project with the intention of restoring and renovating the old Village Hall. After a good deal of enquiry about who had legal title, it was clear that neither the Church nor the Dawnay Estate could prove, or indeed wished, to claim ownership, and so in 2001 the Hutton Buscel Educational Trust was formed. The Trust is regulated by the Charities Commission and has a remit to encourage education for those in the parish. It was granted ownership of the Village Hall and the Schoolhouse that forms part of the building to allow it to do this.

The Village Hall Committee.

The Trustees first action was to grant a 20 year lease on the Village Hall to the Village Hall Committee. The lease cost was one peppercorn, and since then, the Village Hall Committee has organised the social activities in the Hall or rented the Hall out to external organisations, such as Derwent Valley Preschool or the Yoga Club. The Village Hall Committee is an independent organisation and the Educational Trust plays no part in the running of the Village Hall.

The function of the Educational Trust

The Educational Trust receives the rental from the tenant of the schoolhouse. Unfortunately, the Schoolhouse had been neglected and the first responsibility of the Educational Trust was to significantly improve the Schoolhouse itself. Once the house was placed in good order, we then used the money to support education locally.

We have done this in two main ways and an additional supplementary way:

  1. We offer a one-off grant to any child of the parish leaving home to pursue further education. These grants can be accessed by a simple application – usually in late summer.
  2. In addition, if funds permit, we invite one of the local schools to submit a request for funding. East Ayton Primary, Wykeham School and Brompton School have all been beneficiaries, as has Derwent Valley Preschool that runs from the Village Hall.
  3. On other occasions we have been approached to give a grant to a child who has additional educational needs, for whatever reason. We consider all requests on their merit.

The Organisation of the Educational Trust.

There are six Trustees. The first is the incumbent Vicar of the Parish. Two trustees are appointed by the Parish Council and the remaining three are people who put themselves forward to be on the committee.

The Trustees in June 2020 are:

The Vicar    –     Post vacant

Secretary    –     David Ames**

Treasurer   –     Shirley Cooke

Trustee       –     Kath Hudson**

Trustee       –     Carol Gardner

Trustee       –     Peter Shepherdson

** Indicates this Trustee has been appointed by the Parish Council.

Trustee meetings are usually three times a year. The AGM is in May and all are welcome to attend. Grants are approved usually in the September/October meeting. Posters are displayed in the village – usually from July onwards – asking for expressions of interest for Grants.

Contact for more information.

David Ames, Holly Tree House. Secretary HBET


Click below to view Grant Invitation notice

Grant Invitation Notice